중국 핫 세일 껌 항산화제/도매/최고 가격
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중국 핫 세일 껌 항산화제/도매/최고 가격

중국 핫 세일 껌 항산화제/도매/최고 가격

항산화제 유형 다양한 기능을 가진 다양한 유형의 항산화제가 있습니다. 주요 기능에 따라 항열산소노화제, 오존방지제, 유해금속으로 구분할 수 있습니다.
모델 번호.항산화제
운송 패키지바지
등록 상표예둔
생산 능력100톤/년
상품 설명
색인기술 요구 사항
바라보다자주색 갈색, 암갈색 과립 또는 플레이크
난방 감소%, ≤0,5
재 함량%, ≤0,15

항산화 유형
There are many kinds of antioxidants with different functions. According to its main functions, it can be divided into anti thermal oxygen aging agent, anti ozone agent, harmful metal ion inhibitor, anti fatigue agent, UV absorber, anti cracking agent, etc. However, because each protective function is often not dedicated to a certain antioxidant, most antioxidants can act on several aging factors, but to varying degrees. The antioxidant commonly used in wire and cable industry is introduced below. The classification is not clear, and only the main protective functions are pointed out.Antioxidant DThis product is light gray powder, pure white powder, flammable. The specific gravity is 1.18, and the melting point is not lower than 105 ºC. Soluble in acetone, ethyl acetate, carbon disulfide, chloroform; Soluble in ethanol and carbon tetrachloride; Insoluble in water and gasoline. It gradually turns gray black in the air and sunlight, but does not affect the protective effect.Antioxidant RD and antioxidant 124Antioxidant RD and antioxidant 124 are composed of the same chemical composition, the difference is that antioxidant RD is resin, antioxidant 124 is powder, antioxidant RD is amber to gray white resin powder, non-toxic. The softening point shall not be lower than 74 ºC. Antioxidant 124 is a gray white powder with a melting point of 114 ºC. Antioxidant RD and antioxidant 124 are soluble in acetone, benzene, chloroform and carbon disulfide; Slightly soluble in petroleum hydrocarbons, insoluble in water. It is polluting but not significant. It is not easy to spray frost and has no effect on vulcanization. Flammable and non-toxic. It is applicable to natural rubber, synthetic rubber such as styrene butadiene and eyeliner, and the dosage is generally 0.5 ~ 3 phr.Antioxidant MBThe appearance is white or light yellow crystalline powder, bitter and non-toxic. The specific gravity is 1.42, the melting point is 285 ºC, and it is soluble in ethanol, acetone and ethyl acetate; Insoluble in dichloromethane; Insoluble in carbon tetrachloride, benzene, and water. Slightly polluting and easy to disperse. When the dosage is more than 2 parts, there is frost spraying. The effect is weak when used alone, and it should be used together with antioxidant DNP to have synergistic effect. As a copper inhibitor, antioxidant MB can weaken the effect of vulcanizing agent on copper wire in rubber, and can significantly improve the phenomenon of black copper wire and sticky rubber during rubber vulcanization. Antioxidant MB can act as vulcanization retarder. The general dosage of antioxidant MB is 1 ~ 2.5 parts.Antioxidant DNPThis product is light gray powder. The pure product is light bright flake crystal, with a specific gravity of 1.26 The melting point is 235 ºC. Little pollution. It is easy to spray cream when the dosage is more than 2 parts. It is a comprehensive antioxidant against heat, oxygen and atmospheric aging. It is an excellent copper inhibitor and can activate thiazole accelerators. Antioxidant DNP has synergistic effect with MB, DOP, etc. It is suitable for natural rubber and synthetic rubber such as neoprene, styrene butadiene rubber, cis-1,4-polybutadiene rubber and fixing rubber. The general dosage is 0.2 ~ 1 part.Antioxidant NBCThe trade name is antioxidant NBC, the appearance is dark gray powder, the melting point is not less than 83 ºC, non polluting, easy to disperse, and it is an excellent anti ozone agent. It can be used in rubber with heat resistance, atmospheric aging resistance and bending and cracking resistance. It can improve heat resistance and thermal stability in neoprene and Chloroether rubber. Applicable to neoprene, Chloroether, chlorinated polyethylene, nitrile rubber, styrene butadiene rubber and other synthetic rubber, with the dosage of 1 ~ 2 parts.